Jani Pulli, PVO-Vesivoiman toimitusjohtaja ja Pohjolan Voiman energiapäällikkö

Jani Pulli, a longstanding hydropower expert and engineer, will be leading PVO-Vesivoima Oy as of 1 September.

Pulli, who started work at the Pohjolan Voima Group as head of operations more than twenty years ago, is a well-known regulating balancing power expert.

Jani Pulli, 45, started his career with Pohjolan Voima at the Leväsuo operating centre in Oulu in 1999. As a head of operations, Pulli was involved in the centralisation of the control of PVO-Vesivoima’s power plants. Now the circle comes to a close as Pulli returns to Oulu as the managing director of PVO-Vesivoima, a Pohjolan Voima Group company. He is also returning to his childhood hometownregion.

Jani Pulli’s career in Pohjolan Voima has taken him via several positions to senior management. He was named Pohjolan Voima’s energy manager just last year. Pulli replaces the retiring PVO-Vesivoima Oy managing director, Pertti Pietinen.

Hydropower is linked to climate targets

PVO-Vesivoima Oy produces electricity at its hydropower plants on the Iijoki, Kemijoki, Kokemäenjoki and Tengeliönjoki rivers. There are twelve power plants, of which four are partially owned by PVO-Vesivoima. The company produces some 1.7 TWh of electricity per year.

– “The changing electricity production structure in the Nordic countries – Finland in particular – requires more regulating balancing power to support the electricity system. Some regulating balancing capacity has been abandoned. Plenty of production independent of weather conditions has entered the market. Under normal conditions, this production volume cannot be regulated,” Jani Pulli points out.

Pulli strongly supports hydropower: he says that the Finnish electricity system could not function without it. Hydropower covers up to more than 70 per cent of the balancing of electricity consumption and production in one day. When used as regulating balancing power, hydropower allows for the construction of more production volume independent of weather conditions and assists Finland in reaching its climate targets.

– “Hydropower is a renewable, domestic, distributed, CO2-neutral and highly flexible form of electricity production. It can be used to balance out the electricity system at different timespans, from seconds up to the annual level. Hydropower can be used to store large amounts of power for long periods of time. That is something the other currently known technologies are incapable of achieving,” he says.

Another key aspect of hydropower is management and development of the aquatic environment together with stakeholders.

– “The vision for the Iijoki river and the related action programme, as well as extensive projects to restore the natural migration patterns of migratory fish, are excellent evidence of this. We have strong traditions of cooperation, which I naturally want to keep going,” Pulli says.

Jani Pulli unwinds by riding his motorcycle and spending time with his family and their lively border collie.

– “I enjoy travelling. This summer, I have toured Finland. Under the current conditions, my future travel plans mainly involve commuting between my home and place of work.”

Additional information:

Jani Pulli, Mmanaging Ddirector, PVO-Vesivoima Oy, tel. +358 50 386 2680, jani.pulli@pvo.fi