Management of sustainability
Our corporate responsibility is guided by international principles and the strategy approved by
Pohjolan Voima’s Board of Directors, our values and our annually updated sustainability policies.
In addition to the policies, Pohjolan Voima’s Board of Directors annually approves our
sustainability programme in which we describe our goals and their implementation status. Our
sustainability programme is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals we have chosen.
In addition, we annually identify significant areas for development that we include in our sustainability flagship project.
Key sustainability events are reported to the Board as part of the CEO’s reviews. In the Corporate Executive Team, the development of sustainability is the responsibility of the Executive Vice President responsible for corporate affairs and corporate responsibility. The development of sustainability aspects is the responsibility of the Group’s Sustainability Manager.
The implementation of sustainability is coordinated by a sustainability team with representatives from different functions: finance, financing, HR, legal, environment, security, customer relations, as well as communications and community relations. The managing directors of the subsidiaries are responsible for ensuring that responsible practices are implemented in their respective companies.
Sustainability is the responsibility of all Pohjolan Voima employees. Sustainability is one of the strategic skills in the updated strategy. Sustainability indicators are included in the indicators on the implementation of the Group’s strategy.