The modernisation works of the stator of the Raasakka hydropower plant's second generating unit have begun on the Iijoki river. The investment will strengthen the power plant's reliable production and control capabilities and is a part of PVO-Vesivoima's long-term modernisation programme.
The 1970’s original stator of the second generator of the Raasakka power plant’s three generating units will be replaced by a new stator.
“The old stator had degraded and will now be replaced by a new one, which will ensure uninterrupted and energy-efficient electricity production. The dismantling of the old stator started at the beginning of August and the installation of the new stator has begun this week. The modernisation will be completed during the autumn”, says Juha Kähkölä, Development Manager of PVO-Vesivoima.
The new stator is supplied by the Spanish company Indar, par of Ingeteam Group. The modernisation of the second generator’s stator is a continuation of the electrical and automation systems of the Raasakka power plant, completed in 2018.
Additional information: Juha Kähkölä, Development Manager, PVO-Vesivoima Oy, juha.kahkola@pvo.fi, tel. +358 50 303 8622
Raasakka power plant, located on the Iijoki river in Ii in Finland:
- Completed in 1971, expanded in 1997
- Electric and automation systems modernised in 2018
- Capacity 64.3 MW
- Falling height 21 m
- Three generating units
Generators convert kinetic (mechanical) energy into electric energy. The main components of a generator are the stator and the rotor. The stator is the stationary portion fixed to the machine’s body. The rotor spins inside the stator.
PVO-Vesivoima Oy produces electricity with its hydropower plants on the Iijoki, Kemijoki and Kokemäenjoki rivers. The average total annual energy production output of the company is 1.7 TWh. The company is part of the Pohjolan Voima Group. www.pohjolanvoima.fi